These days many men suffer from erectile dysfunction. The causes for this big number are the way we eat, the lack of exercising and, of course, the high level of stress in our lives. A very handy treatment for erectile dysfunction comes from Viagra.
Viagra lowers the blood pressure in the body. This is a known fact. However, many men taking Viagra also take high blood pressure medicines that can cause erectile dysfunction. Bit taking Viagra will then lower the blood pressure. This is an encountered situation and men need to know what to do.
Blood pressure pills usually work by opening the vessels so the blood flow is easier. Viagra opens blood vessels as well in order to increase the amount of blood in the penile area. So, basically, both of these medicines are doing exactly the same thing. However, you should be aware that this kind of interaction is not good at all for your overall health.
Even if Viagra is destined only for the penile area, combining these two medicines can cause a lot of side effects you would not want to experience. Headaches, fainting, excessive blood pressure lowering or dizziness are among these side effects. Indigestion and abnormal vision can be experienced too. The recommendation from doctors is that if you are on this medication, you should not take Viagra for erectile dysfunction.
Luckily, there are many alternatives to Viagra in the herbal medicine world. You can take herbal extract based cures for erectile dysfunction and you will not experience any side effects from them. VigRX Plus is a very popular Viagra alternative because it is 100 % natural and it does not have side effects. You can mix it with medications because there are no adverse reactions you can experience from that.
The great thing about herbal cures is that you do not need to worry about anything. There are no side effects you can experience and you can mix them up with just about any medicine. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor in order to know exactly what dosage to take from the medicine. You should not guess it yourself, as overtaking medicines of all kinds is not a good idea.
In conclusion, it is advisable to avoid mixing up blood pressure medicines and Viagra. You can experience a lot of side effects from mixing these two. Therefore, you can replace Viagra with a herbal alternative as it does not have any side effects.
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