All-natural Penis Enlargement Exercises have been around for probably a million of years. They are done by men all over the world in the efforts of increasing their penis sizes by way of natural methods. These forms of exercises do not only enhance the penis size but also build a man’s sexual stamina and overcome premature ejaculations.
One of such penis exercises is called jelqs or jelqing. It is also called as the milking exercise because it resembles the milking motion. The exercise is widely thought as some penis enhancement technique which has originated in ancient Arab. During those times, it was thought that young men began to practice these exercises and from then on, the technique has been passed on to the next generations. However, a lot of critics claim that the penis does not posses any muscle and exercising will not tend to grow bigger penis. The fact of the matter is that, the jelqing technique is being used not only to enhance the penis but to develop different body parts such as the lips, necks, limbs and many others as well.
A man’s penis has 2 huge chambers that hold blood on top it which is termed as the Corpora Cavernosa. The jelqing technique aims at boosting the size of these 2 chambers by way of tissue expansion. Regular performance of these penis exercises will aid in expanding the tissue by way of division and multiplication and thus, it will be able to store more blood. More stored blood will translate into a thicker and longer erection.
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