Unless you’re hung like a porn star, most likely you’re not happy with the length of your penis. But you can do something about it. Penis enlargement pills can help you gain as much as two or three inches with regular use. They can even boost your sex life by increasing sexual desire and giving you harder and longer-lasting erections.
How do they work? Basically by stimulating blood flow to your penis, causing the spongy muscles to stretch and giving you increased length and girth over time. The pills do this by inhibiting an enzyme called Phosphodiesterase-V, which in turn allows more of a substance called cyclic guanosine monophosphate to enter your penis, causing more blood to enter your penis, lengthening it while giving you firmer erections.
However, Penis Enlargement Supplements work best when they are supplemented by a penis extension exercise program. Although you can see effective results by using pills alone, adding exercise to the mix ensures that you get the maximum benefits.
One system that has gathered many positive testimonies is the MaleExtra penis extension system, which combines the MaleExtra penis enlargement pills and the Penis Health exercise system to ensure that you enjoy increases of two to three inches if you faithfully follow the system.
The main ingredient used by MaleExtra pills is a concentrated form of pomegranate, called Pomegrante 70% ellegic, whose juice has been seen to improve sexual performance by increasing the amount of nitrous oxide in the cells of your penis, thus boosting sex drive. Meanwhile, the PenisHealth exercise program helps give you a longer penis through easy-to-do exercises that increase not only its length but also its thickness, giving you harder and longer-lasting erections. Best of all, the exercises require a time commitment of as little as eight minutes a day to be effective.
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