Many men would go to various lengths just to increase the size of their penis. This is not exactly surprising, considering how many people, men and women, alike equate sexual prowess and, in turn, sexual satisfaction to the size of a man’s sexual organ. Because of this, many people undergo several Penis Enlargement Procedures. One of the tools they use for this process is the penis pump.
But is a penis pump really effective?
A penis pump is used on the male sexual organ in order to increase its size – does not work, and it’s easy to see why. The pump works like a vacuum, drawing blood to the male sex organ and hence making the penis erect. However, this is only a natural reaction, as blood flow really naturally causes erection. It’s not different from how the penis turns erect due to masturbatory motions. Many users of the penis pump usually perceive some sort of increase in their penis after they use the product, but a study by the British Journal of Urology International says that the increase could simply be a placebo effect. Any increase in size is almost always temporary. And if ever there is an actual increase, it is always insignificant, as the aforementioned study proves.
Of course, this doesn’t even consider the fact that many men have experienced injuries and damage due to the use of penis pumps. Men who want to undergo an Effective Penis Enlargement should always use safer, more proven tools and methodologies, such as penis exercises, enlargement pills and stretchers.
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