If you don’t have time for Penis Enlargement Exercises and pills are not your thing, there is an easier way to get a longer penis: penis patches. Penis patches are transdermal patches that introduce natural penis lengthening agents directly into your bloodstream, making them work more effectively than pills as they deliver a consistent dose over a certain period of time. The most familiar use of transdermal patches is in nicotine patches that smokers use when they are trying to quit smoking.
To use penis patches, all you have to do is stick them somewhere on your body (except on your genitals or your face) and then leave them on for the recommended time, which is generally three days, before replacing them. You can wear the patches anywhere, in the shower, while working out at the gym or even while enjoying sex. Penis patches work in the same way as pills, by forcing blood into the spongy corpora cavernosa tissues of the penis, causing them to expand and resulting in a longer, fatter penis.
Using these patches can also enhance your overall sexual performance by giving you a harder and longer-lasting erection, increasing your sex drive and making your ejaculations more powerful. Although results will vary from user to user, you can enjoy improvements in as little as a month, although the majority of people will need around six months before they start to see progress. Just be sure to measure your penis first and keep measuring it on a regular basis to see how much progress you’re making.
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