It’s a fact that there are millions and millions of men all over the world who want to increase the size of their penis, for obvious reasons. Because of this, the Penis Enlargement Industry is thriving. Men would do anything to have a bigger sexual organ.
But should you go as far as undergoing surgery to increase your penis size?
Basically, Penis Enlargement Surgeries will involve either one of the following: the transplanting of fat cells culled from parts of your body or cutting penile ligaments and using weights to stretch it. Both procedures are very intrusive, although they can indeed add some inches into your penis.
The question here is if it is worth it. As with most medical procedures, these surgeries could cause some adverse side effects. Both procedures will make your penis look visually odd. The dermal implant (where fat is transplanted into the penis) can result to clumping. The other procedure, on the other hand, will make cause unsightly scars.
WARNING: Think twice before surgery!
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But these will seem minor when you consider what the most adverse penile enlargement surgery side effect can do to your penis. Many of those who underwent the surgery lost their ability to maintain and even get an erection, while others lose their ability to ejaculate. All these side effects lead to one thing: permanent impotence.
For many men, male enhancement is serious matter. But for its cost (surgery is worth 3,000 to 5,000 dollars), you are better off doing natural methods such as penis exercises to increase your penis size. Not even the guarantee of a bigger penis can make the risks of penile enlargement surgery worth it.
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